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Importance Of Your Donation

One day fire broke out in the forest, all animals including Lion, the king of the forest, started running away to get out of the forest & save their lives. Suddenly the lion saw a bird rushing towards the forest with a drop of water in its beak. The lion asked ‘where are you going?’. The bird replied ‘I am going to forest to extinguish the fire’. The lion laughed and said ‘Do you think you can extinguish the fire with this drop of water?’ ‘It’s not possible at all, you must be an idiot’ said lion. The bird replied very positively ‘I am giving my bit’ and flew to the forest with that a drop of water in his beak. Looking at that bird thousands of other birds in the forest joined and collected drops of water in their beak from the sea nearby and rushed to the forest to extinguish the fire. Very soon there was rain like situation in the forest as thousands of birds came together for this cause. Very soon the fire extinguished and all animals came back to the forest. The lion asked the birds ‘How did you all do it?’, everyone of them replied together in chorus ‘I gave my bit’.


Dear Donors,

Your donation is as important as that ‘a drop of water’ for us. Because we are sure that it fulfills every students dream and make a remarkable change in the life of students and their families who are living in very miserable condition in slum, urban, rural and tribal areas of the country.

Vande Mataram!