If you are an enthusiastic person with a very kind heart filled with humanity and also want to be a part of the noble cause, please fill the form and register yourself as a ‘Volunteer’ to become member of our ‘Swrna Rajhans Volunteers Family’ to help poor, needy, deprived & deserving students and their underprivileged families from low-income groups and weaker sections of society residing in slum, rural, urban and tribal areas in every corner of country.
[Deputy Manager in Leading Bank]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[MBA Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[Technical Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
[College Student]
All donations to the organization are eligible for 50% tax exemption under section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961